The Personnel Committee fosters an environment for effective staff relations by meeting informally with staff periodically during each year; develops and oversees appropriate policies and procedures; assures that annual performance and salary reviews are conducted; and prepares the salary and benefit portions of the annual budget to present to Session; and assists search committees as needed when there is a staff vacancy.
The Property Committee provides guidance on maintenance and upkeep of church property and works with IPC’s Business Manager on additions or removals of buildings, equipment, furniture, landscape, and appearance of the property, and related use and maintenance issues. The Grear Memorial Garden Subcommittee oversees management and upkeep conducted by a professional gardenkeeper as well as volunteer members and friends of Immanuel. Members of the congregation or a related family member may be interred in the Grear Memorial Garden; inquiries about the application form and fees should be directed to the church office.
The Gifts and Memorials Committee is the focal point for “acquisitions” for the buildings and grounds with a focus on maintaining simplicity of the architectural spirit. The committee
accepts and acknowledges memorial monetary gifts, suggests items the family might be interested in supporting, and follows up.
The Endowment Committee established by the Session in 1999. The Endowment is a perpetual fund whose purpose is to help provide a stable financial foundation for Immanuel’s work now and in the future. It consists of funds donated through lifetime gifts and legacy bequests.
Distributions from the Endowment are available to fund projects that support the needs of Immanuel and the greater community it belongs to. These funds are distributed through the annual grant-making process of the Special Projects Committee, a committee of the Session.
Members volunteer for one or more of the following tasks over the course of a calendar year:
- Supervise the investment adviser who invests donated funds in accordance with the Endowment’s Investment Policy; consequently, some investment experience is helpful.Â
- Represent the Endowment Committee on the three-member Special Projects Committee (January – December).
- Determine the sum available for grant-making (January) in accordance with the Endowment’s Spending Policy.Â
- Report to the congregation at the Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting (February).Â
- Celebrate the prior year’s grant recipients at a Zoom event (February or March).Â
- Celebrate the current year’s grant recipients on Legacy Sunday (May).Â
- Take minutes at monthly meetings and forward approved minutes to the Clerk of Session (January – December).Â
- Reconcile donations and disbursements with Mary Ann Vaughan, Immanuel’s Business Administrator (January – December).Â
The Finance Committee manages and guides Immanuel’s financial operations.
The Nominating Committee proposes slates of candidates for Session and congregation approval for leadership and committee positions as determined by the IPC Bylaws and Session. The committee annually nominates candidates to fill upcoming vacancies on Session, Personnel, and Nominating Committees, identifies chairs for committees lacking a successor; and, where possible, informally connects prospective committee members to committees of interest.
The Stewardship Committee coordinates the fall campaign that encourages giving of time, talent, and resources to fund church programs and staff.