New to Immanuel? You’re invited to attend a “Meet Immanuel” small group with Pastor Katie!
Curious about what it means to be a Presbyterian? Interested in learning how to officially join as a member of Immanuel? Want to learn how to get connected at Immanuel? Join us for “Meet Immanuel” small group! The membership process at Immanuel involves four simple steps, the first of which is attending “Meet Immanuel.” This two hour introductory session takes place from 11:20am-1:20pm (or 3:30-5:30pm upon request!) and includes a light lunch for participants. Simply RSVP to Pastor Katie to sign up! Nursery care is available upon request. Upcoming “Meet Immanuel” dates include the first Sunday in August, October, February, and April. (Reading this for the first time on the day of a scheduled class? Join us!)