New! Sunday Worship Live Stream – Sundays at 10:00am

We’re very happy to share that we are now live-streaming our 10:00am worship services each Sunday on Immanuel’s YouTube channel!
Instead of watching a pre-recorded video, we’re thrilled to announce that you can now watch Immanuel’s live 10:00am worship service online from your home or while away on vacation (and don’t worry – if you miss the live stream, a recorded video of the worship service will be accessible on our YouTube channel!)  If you are signed up for the E-Presence (want to sign up? Email us!) you’ll receive an email on Sunday morning with a link to watch our 10:00am service live from the Immanuel sanctuary and a worship bulletin (in PDF format).  Alternatively, you can simply go directly to our YouTube channel on Sunday morning at 10:00am to watch the live stream. If you have any questions or issues accessing the live stream on Sunday morning, contact
Important note: Because the Immanuel live stream will be publicly available, please note that the audio will be temporarily muted during our ‘Sharing of Celebrations and Concerns’ in consideration of those who may share sensitive or personal information during this portion of the worship service. If you wish to share a celebration or prayer concern, we invite you to email us at or use the ‘chat’ feature during the live stream broadcast (Sundays at 10:00am) on our YouTube or Facebook pages. Thank you!