New Books in the Immanuel Library: Spring 2018

God’s Secretaries, The Making of the King James Bible, by Adam Nicolson, 1903An irenicon: it was a political tool aimed toward making peace in an England of warring religious passions, each with their own Bible.  By design, the words are ambiguous, yet rich with multiple hidden meanings, so that every reader will find peace.  James IV of Scotland, son of Catholic Queen Mary, raised among Presbyterians(!), became skilled at reconciling warring parties. He became King James I of England and Ireland and Scotland in 1603, a kingdom full of passionate Protestants, Puritans, Separatists, Bishops, Calvinists, anti-Calvinists….






The Politics of Jesus: Rediscovering the True Revolutionary Nature of Jesus’ Teaching and How They Have Been Corrupted. 2006 Author Obery M. Hendricks, Jr. writes: “the book’s most basic premise is that Jesus Christ was ‘made flesh and dwelled among us,’ to model and set into motion the way of liberation of mind, body, and soul from the tyranny of unjust rulers….The words and deeds of Jesus are tactical strategic models.” He examines policies of the Carter and Regan administrations, and today’s politicians who claim to be Christian.  How is it possible to profess a belief in Jesus, yet ignore the suffering of the poor and the needy?







Son of Man: Miracles of Jesus. Volume II.  2003. By Susan Easton Black, with artwork by Liz Lemon Swindle. This beautifully illustrated volume follows the ministry of Jesus Christ from his baptism by John, through the years of his travels and teachings.





Margaret Raymond, Immanuel Librarian, March 2018

A “Godbook” can be any book you think a member of Immanuel might enjoy, or learn from and grow spiritually that is about God, Jesus, the church, religion, spirituality, or just life. Click here to add a review of your own. Click here to search the Immanuel library.