What Matters Most: Books for Finding Wholeness, Finding Peace [Godbooks]

Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10), but what does that abundant life look like today? This week, we offer three GodBook recommendations for refocusing our living on what matters most. Click here to search the Immanuel library! Click here to recommend a book yourself! Click here to search the Godbook archives.



A Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life by Parker Palmer. Recommended by Steve P. Rating: 9/10.

Parker Palmer has been widely read within Immanuel, and for good reason.  This book was used by the Call class I was in years ago and it was a wonderful resource for our exploration of call, and dealing with life’s challenges.  Palmer is very honest about his struggles, and what he shares is enormously helpful. Purchase on Cokesbury, ThoughtfulChristian, or Amazon.

Self-Help Books, Books about Spirituality, Books about Call, Books about Suffering, Books about Physical and Mental Health





The Samari’s Garden by Gail Tslikiama. Recommended by Carol Barton. Rating: 9/10.

Quiet but compelling story about what’s important in life.  Beautifully written. Purchase on Cokesbury, ThoughtfulChristian, or Amazon.

Fiction Books








Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Recommended by That Guy Who Lights The Candle. Rating: 10/10.

I recommend “Wonder” because it has been very moving to me and I think it will give you a different perspective. Purchase on Cokesbury, ThoughtfulChristian, or Amazon.

Summer Reading, Fiction Books, Books for Youth












Featured photo by Paucal. Click here for license