JOY: A Sabbatical Summer Sermon Series
Join Immanuel as we explore JOY in scripture this summer!
Just as Pastor Katie’s sabbatical summer will be focused on exploring joy, so we too will dive in to wonder together: What is joy, what does scripture say about it, and how can we practice it as Christians? Joy can even coexist with sorrow, and can be found in surprising places.
Pastor Aaron will kick off our Joy series beginning on June 12 (the day of Pastor Katie’s sabbatical send-off), and the series will continue as we learn with these amazing preachers and teachers:
June 26th
Rev. John Molina-Moore
General Presbyter of National Capital Presbytery
July 3rd
Shani McIlwain
Vice Moderator, National Capital Presbytery
July 31st
Rev. Elizabeth Friend, Ph.D.
Former Immanuelite, currently Spiritual Director and Senior Lecturer in the Doctoral Programs at Virginia Theological Seminary
September 18th
Rev. Dr. Mark Andrew Jefferson
Assistant Professor of Homiletics and Associate Director of ‘Deep Calls to Deep Preaching’ Program