Introducing Pastor Katie
Since officially welcoming Rev. Katie Strednak Singer as our new Associate Pastor, Immanuel has gotten to know Pastor Katie better through Sunday services, shared meals, and great conversations. Pastor Katie joins Immanuel after serving as the Pastor of Franklin Presbyterian Church (USA) in Franklin, Kentucky. A graduate of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the College of Wooster, she describes her faith as belief “in the one true God, the God of healing, grace, hope, power, personal connection, redirection, renewal, and forgiveness.”
In addition to her credentials and experience, Pastor Katie also has amazing stories to tell. In hopes of hearing some of those stories, we asked her a few untraditional introductory questions:
Q: What’s the strangest talent you have?
A: I can make a pretty epic bird call with my hands. Not for a specific type of bird, mind you… but birds will often respond to it, despite the fact that I’m not sure what, if anything, I am actually communicating to them!
Q: What was your favorite toy as a kid?
A: Mr. Wrinkles. Hands down, my favorite toy of all time. My grandma took me to a mall in Florida for my birthday when I was very young, and I got to pick out any one toy in the entire toy store as my present. Best. Birthday. Ever. After much thought, Mr. Wrinkles, the stuffed bull-dog-like pup was the winner. Even though his dog house, dog bowl, and dog bone disappeared over the course of many childhood moves, Mr. Wrinkles still made it to Virginia. He doesn’t have much stuffing in his middle anymore and he’s missing a nose… but he’s been loved like the Velveteen Rabbit!
Q: What’s your favorite flavor of Pringles?
A: Sour cream and onion. I once stayed up late while finishing a science project board in junior high, and ate an entire sleeve throughout the course of that evening. I couldn’t bring myself to eat Pringles for a very long time thereafter!
Q: What are three things still left on your bucket list?
A: (1) Visit all US National Parks—my partner, Scott, and I have a map where we keep track of which ones we’ve been to so far. (2) Eat pasta in Italy! (3) See at least one more giraffe in the wild.