Immanuel’s 2020 Virtual TAG TREE  

Our annual Christmas Tag Tree has arrived — and for the first time, it comes to you virtually.

Please consider providing Christmas gifts and gift cards for the children of Bright Beginnings, Children of Mine, Falls Church-McLean Children’s Center, Mary House, SHARE, and families identified by Garden Memorial Presbyterian. We have many children to help this challenging year, and your generosity will ensure these children have gifts for the Christmas holiday.

Due to this holiday season’s unique circumstances, we’ve worked closely with each organization to determine how we can best (and safely) bring holiday cheer to the families. Since this year will entail a slightly different operation, we have included a list of questions/answers to introduce this year’s Tag Tree effort:

How do I sign up for Tag Tree this year?

Please sign up on the tabs of this SignUpGenius specific to each organization.


What gifts should I buy?

Due to this year’s coronavirus pandemic, we have worked closely with each organization to determine how we can best help their identified families during this unique holiday season. When you are considering donations on each tab, you can see whether the organization is requesting gifts as normal or is asking for gift cards for all children/families. Please see individual SignUpGenius tabs specific to each organization for instructions.


How should I prepare gifts this year?

Please see individual SignUpGenius tabs specific to each organization for instructions.


How will gifts be collected by CS&A? When and where will they be collected? 

Similar to previous years, we have scheduled a day for IPC members and friends to deliver gifts to the Immanuel campus. This year’s collection date is currently scheduled for Sunday, December 13. Please see individual SignUpGenius tabs specific to each organization for more detailed instructions.

On behalf of the CS&A Committee, we are grateful for your generosity and flexibility this holiday season!