Green Faith: Resources for an Earth-Friendly Spirituality

The Presbyterian Church (USA)’s Book of Order lists “Faithful stewardship that shuns ostentation
and seeks proper use of the gifts of God’s creation” as one of the great themes of our tradition (G-2.0500). But how can Presbyterians today be better stewards of God’s creation? We’ve compiled a resource list of organizations, theologians, and writers to inspire and equip you in the work of creation care. Pictured right, volunteers from Temple Rodef Shalom and Immanuel volunteer in Immanuel’s Interfaith Community Garden:

Local organizations – 

National Capital Presbytery Earth Care Network

The Center for Spirituality in Nature

Faith Alliance for Climate Solutions

National organizations –

Presbyterians for Earth Care


Activities at Immanuel – 

Interfaith Garden Summer Planting Day – Sunday, May 6 at 6:30 pm

Care for creation and help feed hungry neighbors in our community interfaith garden. Join fellow gardeners from Temple Rodef Shalom and Immanuel. Evening Service will take place outside at 5:30 pm, and the planting will follow!

Books – 

50 Ways to Help Save the Earth: How You and Your Church Can Make a Difference by Rebecca Barnes-Davies

GreenFaith: Mobilizing God’s People to Save the Earth by Fletcher Harper

Green Church: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rejoice! by Rebekah Simon-Peter

Ministering With the Earth by Mary Elizabeth Moore

A New Climate for Theology: God, the World, and Global Warming by Sallie McFague

Food and Faith: A Theology of Eating by Norman Wirzba