Good Friday Devotional
For Holy Week, Immanuel has created a series of online devotionals. Each devotional is adapted from a
monologue written by Rev. Aaron Fulp-Eickstaedt. Immanuel will observe Good Friday at 7:30pm on April 14 with a service of darkness.
Not long after he raised our brother, Lazarus, we had Jesus over for supper again. His raising of Lazarus was what pushed the religious authorities over the edge. But it just increased our devotion to him. So when he and his disciples were at our home in Bethany, I anointed Jesus, too. I took a special jar of ointment and poured it on his feet and wiped them with my hair. Poor Judas saw this and said that I was being wasteful, that the money could have been used for the poor. Jesus said, “Leave her alone, this perfume was intended to anoint me for burial.”
I didn’t know I was anointing him for burial. But sure enough, I was.
A prayer for today:
As we try to disown You, Jesus, Your arms stretch wide in a holy embrace. Teach us to see You in all those we disown and crucify. Help us to keep watch until Your resurrection light breaks with the dawn. Amen.