Immanuel's Endowment

Please watch the brief video below about Immanuel's Endowment.
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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about Immanuel's Endowment

The Immanuel Endowment is a perpetual fund whose purpose is to help provide a stable financial foundation for the continuation of Immanuel’s work as the church looks ahead to the future. It was established by the Session on March 8, 1999.

The SPC is now accepting Request for Proposals and Applications for 2024 grants. Members, friends, and committees of Immanuel, as well as ad hoc groups with a connection to Immanuel, may apply.

The deadline for applications is Friday, March 1, 2024 at 5:00 pm. I have attached the RFP and the Application. Please feel free to contact if you have any questions.

Click here for APPLICATION: 2024 SPC Application

Click here for Request for Proposals: 2024 SPC Request for Proposals Jan 26 2024

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Learn about Immanuel's Endowment
Grant Recipients

2021 Grant Recipients

ArtStream’s ($2,500) two Virginia-based Inclusive Theatre Companies feature 30 people with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities (IDDs) – including Autism - performing in original musical productions. The actors, along with volunteer peer mentors and a professional production team, decide on a theme, improvise scenes and characters, and develop a script, songs, and choreography. Your generous sponsorship contributed to the production expenses for a Drive-In Theatre performance that bought the ArtStream community together to celebrate our actors’ achievements on the big screen!

2020 Grant Recipients
2022 Grant Recipients

Arlington Presbyterian Church ($3,600) sold their land to Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing, tore down their building, and helped create Gilliam Place, a 173-unit affordable housing apartment community on Columbia Pike and Lincoln St., the site of APC’s previous building. It’s here, in the ecosystem of Gilliam Place, that APC lives out the ways of faith together. APC is dedicated to supporting their Gilliam Place neighbors. One way they show that support is through accessible programming. A strong interest in taking music lessons was discovered at a community event.

Professional music lessons in Arlington can range from $40-$60 for half an hour. This cost creates an inequitable barrier for the residents of Gilliam Place and South Arlington. To provide equity, agency, and access to professional music lessons, APC provides half hour music lessons to residents for a reduced or free cost, based on their individual needs. Residents have access to professional teachers who live and work in the Arlington area. The program fosters stability and a weekly creative outlet. Students build confidence as music that once seemed impossible becomes playable. The weekly lessons also foster community, as neighbors and families bond over their new art. The $3,600 grant from the IPC Endowment will allow three Gilliam Place residents to receive a full scholarship for 34 weeks of lessons.

2023 Grant Recipients

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