At Immanuel Presbyterian Church, we believe that our standard of giving should reflect our standard of living. And one should give at a level that is both responsible and significant based on individual financial situation.
But, bear in mind, every pledge, no matter the amount, makes a valued contribution to our mission and ministry.
The tithe has long been held as the standard of Christian giving. The Old Testament (Deuteronomy 14:22-29) underlies the tradition of giving back to God 10 percent of one's annual harvest or income right off the top.
For some however, such a level of giving could be daunting and at best a goal to be reached gradually over time. Consider committing to "proportional giving" - pledging a certain percentage of your annual gross income (beginning, say, at 2 or 4 or 6 percent), with the intention of growing it over time to 10 or more percent. The following chart will help quantify this:

Recurring Payment Plan: Monthly gifts of pledge payments can be made directly to IPC through your bank account. Contact your bank directly to set up an automatic Bill Pay or contact Mary Ann Vaughan at 703-356-3042, ext. 202 to set up a monthly recurring debit from your bank account to the church.
By Debit Card: To make a secure payment via debit card online, click here.
By Check: Please make your check payable to Immanuel Presbyterian Church and place in the offering plate or mail to: Immanuel Presbyterian Church, 1125 Savile Lane, McLean, VA 22101, attention: Mary Ann Vaughan
Electronic Gifts of Stock: Please contact Mary Ann Vaughan at 703-356-3042, ext. 202.