Children & Families Virtual Hub
Welcome to Immanuel’s online hub for children and families! During this time, we will be connecting with God and one another both online and in-person. Check out the resources and events below and reach out to our fall children’s ministry leaders, Ms. Sarah Sherman ( and Rev. Billy Kluttz (, for help or more information.
One on Ones – Ms. Sarah will be doing individual check-ins with families this fall via Zoom and over socially-distanced meals and hot chocolate! Email her at to let her know when and where you’d like to get together.
Weekly Mini-Sunday School on Zoom – See image – Join us on Zoom for a weekly Bible Study! Centered around the weekly scripture and based off what used to be Sunday School, join Miss sarah on Sunday mornings or Monday evenings for a Bible Story, Childrens Sermon, discussion and reflection, and craft/project based on the weekly scripture!
Moments for Young Disciples – All of our recent Moment for Young Disciples are available online on our YouTube page, click here and check out Ms. Sarah and Rev. Billy’s messages!
DIY Bible Studies- All Bible Studies will be published and sent out with the paper newsletter and E-presence.
Specials: Boxes and Projects– For the duration of the pandemic we will be working to have some special, scripture related presents for the kids, and also to plan some events that are scripture based and of service to the community. These are fewer and farther between, to adjust for everyone’s schedules and energy levels, as these obviously takes some extra energy and planning. But stay tuned for special emails and dates about pickups/dropoffs/etc! This month is snack pack making over zoom! (see image)