Beyond the Beach: Summer Reading 202 [Godbooks]
Summer reading often focuses on the fun and whimsical. But what if you’re looking for a little more substance? Make the most of your extra time this summer with our Summer Reading 202 list from Immanuel’s Godbooks list:
Abraham Lincoln by Cal Sandburg. Recommended by Eric Simpson: “If ever there was a timewhen God was at work in the World in terrible and beautiful ways, this was it.” Rating: 8/10. Purchase on Cokesbury, The Thoughtful Christian, or Amazon.
Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance. Recommended by Cheryl Lindstrom: “An important read to understand our current political culture.” Rating: 10/10. Purchase on Cokesbury, The Thoughtful Christian, or Amazon.
If I Understood You, Would I Have This Look on My Face? by Alan Alda. Recommended by anonymous: “Premise — To effectively listen, we must be open to being changed by what we hear.” Rating: 9/10. Purchase on Cokesbury, The Thoughtful Christian, or Amazon.
Thank You For Being Late by Thomas Friedman. Recommended by D. McCune: “The second half of this book gives a hopeful view, or least possibility, of where we are in this century and how, as a society, we might get to a better place. (The first half is about the technology that’s moving us along at an accelerating pace that’s hard to keep up with – the second, and to me, more interesting part is how to live with so much change.)” Rating: 7/10. Purchase on Cokesbury, The Thoughtful Christian, or Amazon.
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