Preparing for Communion at Home: Let’s Get Ready to Worship
Here’s how to prepare at home for worship together:
First, set your table! Decorate your table as if you were going to sit down to dinner with Jesus and the disciples. If you’ve made your at-home devotional candle wreath, put it in the center of your table. Choose items that help you feel worshipful and centered—use soothing colors, mix patterns that elevate your senses, consider lighting a fragrant candle or using essential oils that bring you a sense of peace. We will all be worshiping together from our respective tables tonight, so take the time to create a space where you feel ready to be still and know God.
Next, grab your Bible so you can follow along visually as passages are read aloud (or use an online Bible like for the NRSV translation).
Finally, prepare your bread and cup for our experience of Communion at home together. In this wilderness season when we are unable to gather together physically, we remember that we are connected across all time and space with the body of Christ. We are connected at the table to all of the saints gone before us. We are connected at the table to the beloved community of Christ’s body, as all of our homes become house churches. Whether you are worshiping tonight while self-isolating in quarantine, whether you are worshiping alongside a family member, or whether you are worshiping after your shift at a hospital, grocery store, or pharmacy, you are the church. We are the church together, and Christ is our host at every table that shares this holy meal tonight!
- Have you run out of bread in your house? Here are two simple bread recipes if you are facing an ingredient shortage in your household:
- While gluten free bread recipes seem to involve a few more ingredients, here’s a recipe on the simpler side that you could try: