Getting to Know Susan Graceson
Susan Graceson has served as Immanuel’s Interim Director of Children’s Ministries since August of 2015. Originally from eastern Kentucky, Susan has lived in the DC area for many years with her husband, David, and sons, Sammy and Carter. A graduate of Radford University and Wesley Theological Seminary, Susan brings a passionate creativity and brimming spirit to her work with Immanuel’s children and youth.
As part of our introductory blog series, we asked Susan a few fun questions about her background and interests:
Q: Which storybook/cartoon character is your favorite?
A: Probably a tie between Daphne and Velma from Scooby-Doo. I love Daphne’s style and Velma’s brain and leadership skills.
Q: What was your favorite TV show when growing up?
A: The Partridge Family. I had a huge crush on David Cassidy. I also loved the songs. Unfortunately, it came on at the same time as “Gomer Pyle” and I had 3 brothers and only one TV – you do the math….
Q: Choose a movie title for the story of your life.
A: “By Grace.” I was once in a writing class where we had to write our life story in six words or less.This title came to me immediately: “Girl Raised by Wolves, Escapes Unharmed.”
Q: How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet?
A: A pair of blue flip-flops that I got from the Gap Outlet when Sammy was a baby – so they would be 18 years old! They have broken many times over the years, but I just keep repairing them and wearing them.Gorilla Glue can extend the life of pretty much anything!
Q: What is the nerdiest thing you do in your spare time?
A: Playing WordCrack on my phone. I’m addicted to it!! (and I’m really good at it.)