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Congregational Meeting

February 7, 2021 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm


Congregational Meeting


February 7, 2021
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:

Our semi-annual congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, February 7, at 11:30 a.m. This will be an online meeting via Zoom, and we invite you to sign in at 11:30. The actual meeting will begin at 11:45.

The purposes of our semi-annual congregational meeting on February 7 are to:

·        receive: the 2020 annual statistical report; the 2020 stewardship campaign results; an update from the Endowment (formerly the Planned Giving) Committee; the 2020 financial report; and a report on the 2021 operating budget approved by the Session.

·        Vote on the proposed terms of call for The Revs. Aaron Fulp-Eickstaedt and Katie Strednak Singer.

If you have been received as an Immanuel member, please register for the meeting using the link found in your E-Presence. (Contact office@ipcmclean.org if you do not receive the E-Presence.)

After you have registered, you will receive a link and a password for the February 7 meeting. 

If you have questions about using Zoom, please email the Immanuel tech team at immanueltechteam@gmail.com, especially if you have not used Zoom before and have questions about downloading the software to your laptop, mobile phone or other device. But other questions might come up, for example, how to mute and unmute yourself, and how to use the Raise Hand feature, which we will use to ask to be recognized to speak. There are also tutorials to answer some questions on the Immanuel YouTube channel.

When you enter the February 7 congregational meeting, please make sure that your video is on. You will be muted upon entry, but you will be asked to unmute yourself if you are making or seconding a motion, or if you want to speak to a motion or ask a question.

Clerk of Session Dana Pratt  is also happy to help answer questions you may have about the meeting.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to meet digitally. We really need all Immanuel members to be present at the Zoom congregational meeting. Please make it a priority to be there.

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