5 Reasons Contemplative Dialogue Isn't For You
Immanuel begins a new Contemplative Dialogue Class with Pastor Katie this Sunday morning. This 5-week series will teach “contemplative dialogue” as a small-group faith practice, utilizing Bridges to Contemplative Living with Thomas Merton. Participants will enter into periods of reflection, silence, and sharing based on the principles of contemplative dialogue, in light of weekly readings from scripture and Thomas Merton.
But, as the holidays approach and the stressful election season ends, we realize that not everyone would benefit from this class. So, here are the top 5 reasons that this class isn’t for you…
1) There is ALWAYS enough time in my life for reflection and interpreting the spiritual meaning of the everyday.
2) Silence?! Who needs more silence?! My life is quiet enough already.
3) I know exactly who I am, who I have been, and who I will be.
4) Thomas Merton’s heightened sense of spirituality is a frustrating mirror of my own disarray. Who wants to see things more clearly?!
5) I prefer to speak before I listen. What did you say?
Featured image by Reuben Stanton. License available here.