2020 Giving and Praying Challenge
During the 50 days of Eastertide, until May 31, Immanuel is asking you to pray for those who are experiencing greater hardships than we can imagine, and to pause in these prayers to write a check to support those charities who care for the most vulnerable. In the spirit of a Matthew 25 church, we ask you to think about how much you traditionally give to the Immanuel Auction, both as your bids and services rendered, and consider donating that amount to help support our local organizations. As you can well imagine, the need is greater than ever as many of the organizations that count on our support are now operating with severe financial shortages. As has been our practice in past years, 10% of the donations will be dedicated to International Mission.
To the extent possible, please consider joining the Challenge and giving what you can. Please make your check payable to Immanuel Presbyterian Church and mark “Auction” on the memo line. All checks should be sent to Mary Ann Vaughan (please contact mvaughan@ipcmclean.org for her address). You can also give online here by typing in your gift amount in the “Auction” line. (If giving online, please be aware that your donation will decrease by a 3% processing fee.)
Whether or not you are able to give financially, we encourage everyone to participate through daily prayer for a different organization each day of Eastertide.
You can read the full letter from Community Service and Action Committee here: https://ipcmclean.org/202-giving-and-praying-challenge-ipc-auction/